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Diego TorresApr 11, 2018 12:36:08 PM2 min read

Gettin' the Office Active

We’re definitely a place that believes the classic “All work no play makes Jack a dull boy” saying. While we put in the work in all that we do and create we know the importance of staying active and having fun after - sometimes in the middle of - working. Now we aren’t saying we break out in random group push ups or anything. But we’re also not … not saying we break out in random group push ups. Maybe when the internet is down.

When it comes to our team culture we are very health conscious just like we are with the ingredients we use to make our pops. So we start fun activities for everyone as an option to get active and get some playtime in after working our pop sticks off.

It doesn’t have to be anything super scheduled either. Like whenever the internet goes down here a group of us always does some stretching together just to get up and move around. It’s kinda become a thing now. Kinda….

koprunclubAfter a few of us kept going on regular group runs on the Beltline so we decided to form a KOP Run Club. We spread the word about it to the rest of our team and since then we’ve opened it to everyone. We did it just to offer our teams an easy way to work in some cardio into their weekly routines and just disconnect.



Some of us are also big soccer fans and enjoy playing soccer so they formed their own soccer team The Cardiac Kings. They play soccer games weekly through a community league. Things like this just naturally formed because there was a common interest that was mentioned and an idea was taken into consideration. While the games are a lot of fun and always competitively friendly we’ve won a lot of them. Okay just a few….a couple. We have fun okay!

What we’re saying is sometimes there doesn’t need to be an elaborate plan or super huge incentive to get the team together, up, and moving. We know you care about your work family and can form a kick butt baseball league, volleyball team, or a group that goes on long walks. Just listen to everyone on your team maybe take the lead and let people know of an idea you have. Someone will be up for it. 


King of Pops & Learn ... better than a Lunch & Learn?


Diego Torres

Diego is simultaneously the most stylish and saucy employee at King of Pops, wearing exclusively black or rose. He is our resident marketing coordinator and is a man of many talents. He runs all of our social media accounts and wears the hat of in-house publicist. He is a founding member of the KoP Run Club, and has the best Peachtree Road Race finish line photo to date.