The Big Game is an American tradition. Every year 100s of millions of people come together to watch one of two teams win B-I-G. Big companies pay millions to make the most epic commercials of the year. It is the perfect opportunity to host a viewing party for your friends, family, or co-workers. If you don’t know where to start here are a few ideas.
Deck Out Your Crib
Decorations are key to setting the vibes for a good party and it doesn’t have to be hard or break the bank. Use the team colors as a jumping point. Use streamers, balloons, plates, cups, whatever you can find in those colors to jazz up your joint. Print the team logos to make cutouts for tops of toothpicks on the food table or to dec out the walls. Using both teams colors will make sure everyone feels included no matter who they are pulling for … or don’t if you are totally one-sided.
Food & Drank
A good host will prepare at least one main food dish for the guests to munch on during the game. This could be a ton of chicken wings; a classic Big Game staple and they can be smoked, baked, fried, grilled, or delivered! A personal favorite of mine is to make a chili bar with 2-3 chili options (tip : make sure one is vegetarian friendly) with all mess of toppings to choose from. If you are on a budget you can also ask your guests to bring the side dishes and appetizers.
To avoid crowding the table, drinks should have their own station away from the food. Make sure to have a couple of coolers set up with plenty of ice for beer and drinks. Provide cups with half of them being the color of one team and half being the color of the other team.
Making a specialty drink or cocktail for you guests to enjoy is a must. This is a great place to get creative with colors and names of your drink. Don’t forget to have some non-alcoholic options too.
All for the Game(s)
Games can help keep your guests engaged throughout the game, especially if there are prizes at the end. You can do a pool where your guests can guess the final score, who will win, and much more. Or do a game of bingo for the commercial. Do this by printing out our bingo template HERE, then fill in the blanks with the bank of companies that usually run big game commercials. First guest to get 5 in a row wins one of those coveted prizes.
Once you have a these in place you will be ready to host your own Big Game get together. Just remember it is all about kicking back and having a good time with your friends and family. No matter who wins the game everybody will be a winner at your party.