My Superpower? ... the discipline of self imposed deadlines
I was a journalism major at the University of Georgia and after graduation I had two job ...
Is "Scoff and Dismiss" a Marketing Strategy? Confessions of a Brand Guy
“When furious get curious.”
Stumbling on Pop Royalty: Searching for Kings & Queens across the South
For nearly a decade, when people asked us if they could get a King of Pops cart, buy pops ...
When Business and Family Do Mix: My No. 1 Business Decision
The best business decisions I’ve made of over the years have been out of necessity.
The Three Books That Impacted King of Pops Most (& still do)
I grew up in a family of readers, but a reader I was not.
Marketing: The Great Unknown We're All Guessing At (and getting comfortable with that)
In meetings, the word “marketing” has become a trigger for me. It’s something that I’ve ...
No Excuses! It's time for your small business to start forecasting
The process of forecasting is tedious, time consuming, and can feel like a complete waste ...