An UMOH is an Unexpected Moment of Happiness.
Creating them is our company purpose
An UMOH can be as simple as a handwritten note to a colleague or as complex as a surprise birthday for a toddler in the middle of the pandemic with a famous clown named Puddles.

We feel like the most good we can do in our community and in the world is by supporting hyper local, thoughtful efforts in our back yard.
In order to achieve our goal (1,000,000 UMOHs by 2033) we have to say "no" to a lot of worthy causes. This is not easy, but helps us to stay focused on our company purpose.

1,000,000 UMOHS BY 2033
We have a big hairy audacious goal to create One Million UMOHs by 2033. We've got a long way to go.

When we act as a company to do more than sell as much as possible, it makes it all worthwhile.
UMoHs make people smile, and they make us feel pretty great, too. Through these acts of kindness, we believe that UMOHs can have a much larger impact than the people they directly serve.
There is a ripple effect that will continue beyond our carts. Perhaps one pop can change the day for hundreds of people.
For this reason creating UMOHs is our only give back. In order to achieve our goal we will have to say no to a lot of other worthy causes.