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King of PopsMar 27, 2024 9:51:13 PM1 min read


Let's dive into the whirlwind adventure that was the Get Your Rear in Gear 5k event on March 23rd, where a whopping 417 pops were served on a misty Saturday morning. Picture this: the sun was just starting to peek through the rain clouds as I pulled up in my trusty van, ready to load up my cart with a rainbow of pops.


Now, this event holds a special place in my heart. It's been a tradition for my wife's family and me for 8 years, ever since my late mother-in-law, Johanne, kicked things off. And let me tell you, no amount of rain or early mornings could dampen our spirits.

As I set up shop and greeted the eager crowd, memories of past races flooded back. Joanne's last race was in 2018, but her spirit lives on in every stride we take.

Despite the gloomy weather, the energy was infectious. Runners, walkers, patients, and survivors alike gathered in First Ward Park, and before I knew it, my cart was buzzing with activity.

The sun finally decided to make an appearance, and with it came a surge of popsicle enthusiasts. I couldn't keep up with the demand, and for a moment, I worried I'd run out!

But as the race came to a close and I packed up my cart, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude. Grateful for Joanne's legacy, for the opportunity to spread Unexpected Moments of Happiness, and for the chance to honor her memory in such a meaningful way.

Here's to many more races, many more pops, and many more memories to come.


